CAPACITORS Multiple Capacitors

Single Capacitor

WORKING PRINCIPLECapacitors connected automatically as per the requirement using Advanced Microchip.Fixed Capacitors, Always ON.
USER INTERFACEDisplay of power saving with complete live Power Analysis & Other Parameter.

:cry:  Not Applicable 
TRACK ELECTRICITYTrack the Electricity consumption with user interface plan the usage of the electrical equipments and can give you another advantage 10-20% :-? Not Applicable
LIFE SPANEnhanced Life, Intelligent technology switch off the capacitors, if not required. :cry: Poor Life, Capacitors always on.
POWERSmart Electricity saver is 3 times more Powerful than conventional as it uses a combination of six powerful capacitors. :-x 1/3 Power
INTELLIGENT WORKINGEach Phase compensation can be monitored indication for each capacitor.Fixed Rating Capacitors connected directly.

No Separate compensation for each phase.